10 trials and no more reels
Sebastian Hirn
10 trials and no more reels is a series of performances by Sebastian Hirn in which the usual genre boundaries between music, dance, theater and visual art are dissolved. A crab cutter was cut into pieces with chainsaws. The parts were then reassembled in an old swimming pool in Munich. The space was used for over a year by various constellations of dancers and musicians.
After the ship was part of an action in an old paint factory in Munich Sendling, it was installed in Lothringer13 before traveling to the Rote Fabrik in Zurich. In 2018, the work was shown at Schwere Reiter in Munich and at Kunstraum Nestroyhof in Vienna, where the installation was exhibited for several weeks after the action. At the finissage, the ship was publicly dismantled.
This year, the 'Nest' will be displayed at Lothringer13. 10 Trials and no more reels will then go to the Switch Lab in Bucharest.
Together with the dancers and performers, the musicians will explore the boundaries of space and sound, body and time and make them physically tangible for all those present - they are directly involved with their bodies and instruments and the performers are part of the 'sound body'.
Based on a radically subjective exploration of Buster Keaton's cinematic work, 10 Trials and no more reels detaches the human body from its immediate regulatory context and questions it. Every step leads into the unknown, gravity seems out of control, the coordinate system has become uncertain, the bodies are exposed to their surroundings without protection, layers are uncovered, the construction comes to light, new perspectives emerge. Like readymades, the objects and instruments become independent sculptures, abstract forms. In the reversal of the horizon, the narrow boundaries of our reality appear.
Concept/installation: Sebastian Hirn
Bass: Florian Götte
Percussion: Zoro Babel
Performers: Natália Fernandes, Julia Keren Turbahn, Sebastian Hirn
Photos: Bijon de Kock
Aktionsreihe und Installationen an verschiedenen Orten 2015-2019 gefördert vom Kulturreferat der LH München und von der Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung